Like the summer sun, a killer music line-up and a few crisp beverages play together in a perfect blend of holiday goodness, so does the combination of paid and organic storytelling on Snapchat. Mish client and general legends Rhythm & Vines used a combination of a paid ad product and organic content to engage festival goers in a New Years Eve story like no other to ring in 2018, and the results sung right off the page and straight into our Mishy ears.
The Skinny:
Rhythm & Vines took their summer music festival story vertical and created a paid geofilter for attendees to share their festival story, then used Mish Guru to collect all the crispy User Generated Content that came their way using it. The results? Well, we’re glad you asked… Because they were as Snappy as they get.
The Stats:
- Over 1 million views of the geofilter
- 21,767 geofilter opens
- 14,130 geofilter uses
- Over 2,000 pieces of crispy User Generated Content received via the Mish Guru dashboard.
What Does it Mean?
Almost two-thirds of people that opened the geofilter used it, and Rhythm & Vines got flooded with User Generated Content to help tell their story. Views spiking at over a million means eyeballs on the brand's content were huge, and ultimately converted into user action.
Blending paid & organic storytelling, New Years celebrations and music in the sunshine… Touché, R&V. Touché.